Password Protect a Website or Subdirectory

Chris Coyier

October 28, 2012

original article July, 2008, on: CSS-Tricks

NOTES: at bottom of page :: templates :: css :: images :: “How-To” system :: Forespar sandbox

Easily Password Protect a Website or Subdirectory

Working on a website that you need others to see, but not the whole world? Password protecting a website (or a sub directory within a website) is actually a pretty easy thing to do.

.htaccess file

AuthType Basic  
AuthName "restricted area"  
AuthUserFile /path/to/the/directory/you/are/protecting/.htpasswd  
require valid-user

The exact path to the file is extremely important here. If you have it wrong, it will still ask for a password but nothing will seem to work. On Media Temple, my path looks like this:


You should be able to to echo out a phpinfo(); on a page in that directory to scope this directory out.


.htpasswd file


That is what the contents of the .htpasswd file should look like. One username and password per line, separated by a colon. Notice the password is encrypted though. You will need to use a special tool to encrypt your password in this way (MD5). David Walsh has a tool just for this.

In fact, I obviously first learned this from David as pretty much this exact same tip is on his site. Still, I think it's worthy of re-posting because this is an extremely useful tool to have in your toolbox.

See it in action

Live example here. Login/Password is css-tricks/css-tricks

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notes go here

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