
eNewsletter Archive - November 2010

November Issue 2010

Not Under Down Under

A letter about TruPlug from the Dockmaster at d'Albora Marina, Sydney Harbour, Australia

"Our team here at d'Albora Marina noticed a bilge pump going on and off every 60 seconds. The boat was a V48 Princess. We jumped on board and pulled up the carpets to look throughout the bilges. The issue was in the forward bilge where the seacock had a slight crack. When we jiggled the seacock it snapped off, creating a big hole. It was all rather frantic at this point. However, we went to our on-site ship store (Sturrocks of Sydney) and purchased a TruPlug. We cut the TruPlug down creating a snug fit and used a stick to make sure it did not pop out. It safely stayed in place overnight until we could haul the boat the next morning for repairs.

This product is very good and my thoughts are that it should be mass advertised in Australia so you can get your product onto boats all over Australia.

For more information on TruPlug


Marelon ROV Systems
a Hit at IBEX

The Marelon Integrated Plumbing System was a big hit again at the recent IBEX show in Louisville, Kentucky. Of particular interest was the Marleon ROV (remote operated valves) option that allows a boat owner to open or close a valve with the push of a button. Many OEM boatbuilders are now looking into this unique convenience option as a way to distinguish their product line from the competition.

Fully approved for below the waterline, the Marelon ROV system all valve operations by allowing for push-button panel control over hard to see and reach valves.

See our ROV systems on our website.


Factory Numbers:
Ph: 949 858-8820 or
Fax: 949-858-0505

Dealer Orders:
(catalog products)
8:00am - 5:00pm
Pacific Standard Time:
(Order desk)

Marelon Plumbing Questions:
Randy Risvold,
Art Bandy,

Custom Spars &
Leisure Furl Sales:
Alan Massey,
Ph: 208-642-1312,
cell 909-534-5886

Leisure Furl Engineering
Peter Hobman,

Marketing, Sales & Promotions:
Bill Mosher,
Cell: 414-688-9979


New Product

Thru-hull Head Design
Sure to "Turn Heads"

Our new thru-hull with non-directional head offers easier installation. This modified 1-1/4" Scoop Thru-hull, #906060 MF 868, allows for a faster, easier installation because the thru-hull is no longer directionally specific. You can install the thru-hull and then place the scoop in any direction necessary. This feature will help reduce "assembly line errors!"

Made of the same lightweight Marelon engineered polymer as the original, these new thru-hulls offer zero corrosion or electrolysis deterioration and work with any 1-1/4" Marelon seacocks.

Available now at the same price as the original
To order, use #906060 and then specify "360 Style."

Coming Soon - Our redesigned ¾" version: #906059

© 2009 Forespar Corporation All rights reserved. Forespar 22322 Gilberto Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 858-8820